the joy of hex
So you missed out on all those cool magic items earlier in your campaign? And we all know it's a
chore to start all over! Fret no longer!
Follow these simple steps:
- First go backup all your save files!
- You need a Hex Editor and you can download the one Im using from BreakPoint or go to
ZDNet and do a search on Hex editors
- Start your editor and open up one of the savegame files.
- You'll see lots of alphabets and numbers but note a smaller column to the right, where if you
scroll downwards you'll see all your troop names. And yes there's a pattern to it. Name-lots
of dots-name-lots of dots-name ...
- To the left and larger column, you will also see a pattern of FFFF about 7 to 8 of them in a
row for every unit you have. These are vacant slots for your magic items; and any slots taken
up will always be to the left of where all the FFFF starts. And you can decipher any
existing items by using the table below
1600 | Bright Book |
1700 | Ice Book |
1800 | Waagh Book |
1900 | Dark Book |
0100 | Grudgebringer Sword |
0200 | Skabskrath |
0300 | Runfang |
0400 | Hellfire |
0500 | Stormsword |
0600 | Lightning Bolt |
0700 | SpellEater Shield |
0800 | Dragon Helm |
0900 | Shield of Ptolos |
0A00 | Enchanted Shield |
0B00 | Heart of Woe |
0C00 | Potion of Strength |
0D00 | Horn of Urgok |
0E00 | Ring of Volans |
0F00 | Banner of Arcane Warding |
1000 | Banner of Wrath |
1100 | Banner of Defiance |
1200 | Mork's War Banner |
1300 | Staff of Osiris |
1400 | Wand of Jet |
1500 | Book of Ashur |
| | |
- And its simply a matter of replacing a vacant address (FFFF) with your choice of magic
item. Or overriding an exisitng item if u wish
- Save the file and try it out.
- Ofcourse if you do something stupid like assign a Bright Book to your Archers it will crash
your game.
- Um, if this works for you, thank Thorgrim not me ;-)
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